

芹沢一也・高桑和巳編、『 フーコーの後で 統治性・セキュリティ・闘争』、慶應義塾大学出版会、¥2100. Ellen Frankel Paul et al. (eds.), Freedom, Reason, and the Polis: Essays in Ancient Greek Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, £1…

Richard W. Kaye, The Mathematics of Logic: A Guide to Completeness Theorems and their Applications, Cambridge University Press, £19.99. S.ミュラー=ドーム、 徳永恂監訳、『アドルノ伝』、作品社、¥7800. David Copp, Morality in a Natural Wor…

Daniel D. Hutto (ed.), Narrative and Understanding Persons, Cambridge University Press, £17.99. Patricia Springborg (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes's Leviathan, Cambridge University Press, £48. Kevin Gibson, Ethics and Business: A…

Husserls Logische Untersuchungen (?+16)


Husserliana Materialien Band 1 (60)


Husserliana Band 24 (5)


Peter Smith, An Introduction to Gödel's Theorems, Cambridge University Press, £45. Gregory Landini, Wittgenstein's Apprenticeship with Russell, Cambridge University Press, £50. Daniel Shapiro, Is the Welfare State Justified?, Cambridge Uni…

Amie L. Thomasson, Ordinary Objects, Oxford University Press, £32.99. William Talbott, Which Rights Should Be Universal?, Oxford University Press, £17.99. Don M. Tucker, Mind from Body: Experience from Neural Structure, Oxford University P…

金杉武司、『心の哲学入門』、勁草書房、¥2100. おっ。最近はこんな本書かれていたんですね。 Thomas Ryckman, The Reign of Relativity: Philosophy in Physics 1915-1925, Oxford University Press, £14. Robin Small, Nietzsche and Rée: A Star Friendsh…

袖井孝子編、『死の人間学』、金子書房、¥3150. M.フーコー、石田英敬訳、『ミシェル・フーコー講義集成 6 社会は防衛しなければならない コレージュ・ド・フランス 講義197』、筑摩書房、¥5040. Naoyuki Osaka & Robert H. Logie & Mark D'Esposito (…

Alexei Davydov et al., Categories in Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Oxford University Press, £75.25. Nancey Murphy & Warren S. Brown, Did My Neurons Make Me Do It?: Philosophical and Neurobiological Perspectives on Moral Respo…

James Ladyman & Don Ross, Every Thing Must Go: Metaphysics Naturalized, Oxford University Press, £45. Immanuel Kant, James Creed Meredith (trans.), Critique of Judgement, Oxford University Press, £12.99. David Kyuman Kim, Melancholic Freed…

David Hume, Peter Millican (ed.), An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, Oxford University Press, £8.99. Pavel Gregoric, Aristotle on the Common Sense, Oxford University Press, £40. William B. Irvine, On Desire: Why We Want What We Wan…

Husserliana Band 24 (4)



Marcus Giaquinto, Visual Thinking in Mathematics, Oxford University Press, £40. Michael DePaul & Linda Zagzebski, Intellectual Virtue: Perspectives from Ethics and Epistemology, Oxford University Press, £18.99. Jordan Ganeri, The Concealed…

M.ジェイ、木田元・村岡晋一訳、『アドルノ』、岩波書店、¥1260. Pierre Remond de Montmort, Essay d'analyse sur les jeux de hazard, Oxford University Press, £29.25. Ronald de Sousa, Why Think?: Evolution and the Rational Mind, Oxford Univers…

Andrew Clapham, Human Rights: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, £6.99. E. Brian Davies, Science in the Looking Glass: What Do Scientists Really Know?, Oxford University Press, £14.99. Stephen Davies, Philosophical Perspec…

Husserliana Band 24 (3)



Stewart Shapiro (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic, Oxford University Press, £23.99. Robert R. Williams, Hegel: Lectures on the Philosophy of Spirit 1827-8, Oxford University Press, £55. David Copp (ed.), The…

Husserliana Materialien Band 1 (58)


Miranda Fricker, Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing, Oxford University Press, £27.5. Christopher Janaway, Beyond Selflessness: Reading Nietzsche's Genealogy, Oxford University Press, £30. Eric Margolis & Stephen Laurence …

高橋勝、『経験のメタモルフォーゼ <自己変成>の教育人間学』、勁草書房、¥2625. 小堀桂一郎 、『日本に於ける理性の傳統』、中央公論新社、¥2625. Jason Stanley, Language in Context: Selected Essays, Oxford University Press, £18.99.

S.フロイト、本間直樹監修、『フロイト全集 第18巻 1922−24年 自我とエス みずからを語る』、岩波書店、¥4620. A.ネグリ、上村忠男監訳、『アントニオ・ネグリ講演集 上 〈帝国〉とその彼方』、筑摩書房、¥924. A.ネグリ、上村忠男監訳、『アントニオ…

Bertrand Russell, Logic & Knowledge: Essays 1901-1950, Civitas, $30.74. 前にRoutledgeから出ていたもののリプリントかな。amazonにリンク。 須藤訓任編、『哲学の歴史 9 反哲学と世紀末』、中央公論新社、¥3675. 野口廣、『トポロジー 基礎と方法』、…


市田良彦、『ランシエール 新』、白水社、¥2730. 木村敏、『分裂症と他者』、筑摩書房、¥1575. ちくま学芸文庫。 高山宏、『超人 高山宏のつくりかた』、NTT出版、¥1680.

Husserliana Materialien Band 1 (57)
