Newly Published Books

Andy F. Sanders (ed.), D.Z. Phillips' Contemplative Philosophy of Religion: Questions and Responses, Ashgate, $99.95. William L. Rowe, William L. Rowe on Philosophy of Religion: Selected Writings, Ashgate, $124.95. Noel Carroll, The Philos…

Harry G. Frankfurt, Demons, Dreamers, and Madmen: The Defense of Reason in Descartes's Meditations, Princeton University Press, $19.95. Theodore Sider & John Hawthorne & Dean W. Zimmerman (eds.), Contemporary Debates in Metaphysics, Blackw…

松本幸夫、『トポロジーへの誘い 多様体と次元をめぐって』、遊星社、¥1785. Ludger H. Viefhues-Bailey, Beyond the Philosopher's Fear: A Cavellian Reading of Gender, Origin and Religion in Modern Skepticism, Ashgate, $99.95. Kelly Dean Jolley, …

Ivar Ekeland, The Best of All Possible Worlds: Mathematics and Destiny, The University of Chicago Press, $14. Daniel M. Gross, The Secret History of Emotion: From Aristotle's Rhetoric to Modern Brain Science, The University of Chicago Pres…

Ernest Sosa & Enrique Villanueva (eds.), The Metaphysics of Epistemology, Blackwell, #39.95. Jennifer Hart Weed & Richard Brian Davis & Ronald Weed (eds.), 24 and Philosophy: The World According to Jack, Blackwell, $17.95. Sharon M. Kaye (…

Martin Heidegger, Richard Rojcewicz (trans.), Basic Concepts of Ancient Philosophy, Indiana University Press, $39.95. Christina M. Gschwandtner, Reading Jean-Luc Marion: Exceeding Metaphysics, Indiana University Press, $24.95. W. David Hal…

Benjamin D. Crowe, Heidegger's Phenomenology of Religion: Realism and Cultural Criticism, Indiana University Press, $22.95. Hern´n Pringe, Critique of the Quantum Power of Judgment: A Transcendental Foundation of Quantum Objectivity, de Gr…

志賀浩二、『無限への飛翔 集合論の誕生 』、紀伊國屋書店、¥1785. 鶴見俊輔、『アメリカ哲学』、こぶし書房、¥3780. 名著の再版。 三宅剛一、『人間存在論』、講談社、¥1050. Charles J. Stivale, Gilles Deleuze's ABCs: The Folds of Friendship, The Joh…

N,グッドマン、菅野盾樹訳、『世界制作の方法』、筑摩書房、¥1365. ちくま学芸文庫。 貫成人、『真理の哲学』、筑摩書房、¥777. ちくま新書。 荑戸一夫、『時間の思想史 アンセルムスの神学と政治』、勁草書房、¥7875.

円増治之、『遊戯する生への変容 ニーチェの場合と良寛の場合』、晃洋書房、¥2520. Meir Buzaglo, The Logic of Concept Expansion, Cambridge University Press, £18.99. Reviel Netz, The Transformation of Mathematics in the Early Mediterranean World…

Sarah Broadie, Aristotle and Beyond: Essays on Metaphysics and Ethics, Cambridge University Press, £45. Malcolm Schofield, An Essay on Anaxagoras, Cambridge University Press, £18.99. John Greco, Putting Skeptics in their Place: The Nature …

S.ジジェク、鈴木晶訳、『ラカンはこう読め!』、紀伊國屋書店、¥1890. Timothy C. Potts, Structures and Categories for the Representation of Meaning, Cambridge University Press, £27.99. Pierre Keller, Husserl and Heidegger on Human Experience…

Anjan Chakravartty, A Metaphysics for Scientific Realism: Knowing the Unobservable, Harvard University Press, £45. M. V. Dougherty (ed.), Pico della Mirandola: New Essays, Harvard University Press, £45. Margaret Urban Walker, Moral Underst…

Keith Hossack, The Metaphysics of Knowledge, Oxford University Press, £40. Kathleen Stock (ed.), Philosophers on Music: Experience, Meaning, and Work, Oxford University Press, £35. Richard Healey, Gauging What's Real: The Conceptual Founda…

Gideon Yaffe, Manifest Activity: Thomas Reid's Theory of Action, Oxford University Press, £17.99. A. Raghuramaraju, Debates in Indian Philosophy, Oxford University Press, £6.99. Oswald Bayer, Freedom in Response, Oxford University Press, £…

大石敏広、『規則のパラドックス 言語は無意味か』、晃洋書房、¥2205. いまこれを論じるのはかなり大変だと思いますが、はたして。 H. Weyl, E. Landau, & B. Riemann, Das Kontinuum und andere Monographien, American Mathematical Society, £22.25. Cami…

エウクレイデス、斎藤憲訳、『エウクレイデス全集 第1巻 原論 I-VI』、東京大学出版会、¥5460. 森一郎、『死と誕生 ハイデガー・九鬼周造・アーレント』、東京大学出版会、¥6090. 山脇直司、『公共哲学叢書 9 グローカル公共哲学 「活私開公」のヴィジョンの…

Terrance W. Klein, Wittgenstein and the Metaphysics of Grace, Oxford University Press, £50. Bruno Latour, Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory, Oxford University Press, £14.99. Tim Thornton, Essential Philosophy…

Jay F. Rosenberg, Wilfrid Sellars: Fusing the Images, Oxford University Press, £45. John Venn, Symbolic Logic: Second Edition, Revised and Rewritten, American Mathematical Society, £34.5. Terence Cuneo, The Normative Web: An Argument for M…

T.クーン、佐々木力訳、『構造以来の道 哲学論集 1970-1993』、みすず書房、¥6930. Robin Le Poidevin, The Images of Time: An Essay on Temporal Representation, Oxford University Press, £27.5. Helen Small, The Long Life, Oxford University Press,…

N.ボーア、井上健訳、『原子理論と自然記述』、みすず書房、¥4410. W.ハイゼンベルク、田村松平訳、『自然科学的世界像』、みすず書房、¥2940. Robin Le Poidevin, The Images of Time: An Essay on Temporal Representation, Oxford University Press, …

K.キューネン、藤田博司訳、『集合論 独立性証明への案内』、日本評論社、¥4725. 原著から28年、翻訳なる。 L.デカルト、谷川多佳子訳、『情念論』、岩波書店、¥693. Terence Irwin, The Development of Ethics: Volume 1, From Socrates to the Reforma…

小泉義之・鈴木泉・檜垣立哉編、『ドゥルーズ/ガタリの現在』、平凡社、¥6090. Genia Schönbaumsfeld, A Confusion of the Spheres: Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein on Philosophy and Religion, Oxford University Press, £30. Francois Recanati, Perspect…

山内志朗、『普遍論争 近代の源流としての』、平凡社、¥1995. 入手困難だった名著。手に入りやすくなり、嬉しい限り。 W.ハイゼンベルク他、青木薫訳、『物理学に生きて 巨人たちが語る思索のあゆみ』、筑摩書房、¥998. 山川偉也、『哲学者ディオゲネス 世…

J.P.サルトル、松浪信三郎訳、『存在と無 3 現象学的存在論の試み』、筑摩書房、¥1890. 内山勝利、『ここにも神々はいます』、岩波書店、¥1365. 清水哲郎、『世界を語るということ 「言葉と物」の系譜学』、岩波書店、¥1365.

G.ドゥルーズ、國分功一郎訳、『カントの批判哲学』、筑摩書房、¥924. H.アレント、高橋勇夫訳、『政治の約束』、筑摩書房、¥3150. James Schmidt (ed.), Theodor Adorno, Ashgate, $275.

Jon Stewart (ed.), Volume 6, Tome I: Kierkegaard and His German Contemporaries - Philosophy, Ashgate, $99.95. Jon Stewart (ed.), Volume 6, Tome II Kierkegaard and His German Contemporaries - Theology, Ashgate, $99.95. Richard O. Brooks (ed…

Daniel Hutto & Matthew Ratcliffe (eds.), Folk Psychology Re-Assessed, Springer, €99.95. Vesselin Petkov (ed.), Relativity and the Dimensionality of the World, Springer, €119.95. Lars-Göran Johansson, Interpreting Quantum Mechanics: A Reali…

Ernst Wolff, De l'éthique à la justice: Langage et politique dans la philosophie de Lévinas, Springer, €104.95. A.T.-Tymieniecka (ed.), Timing and Temporality in Islamic Philosophy and Phenomenology of Life, Springer, €159.95. Wolfgang Mül…

Nino Cocchiarella, Formal Ontology and Conceptual Realism, Springer, $139.95. Henrik Lagerlund (ed.), Forming the Mind: Essays on the Internal Senses and the Mind/Body Problem from Avicenna to the Medical Enlightenment, Springer, $149.95. …