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L.スピンクス、大貫敦子・三島憲一訳、『フリードリッヒ・ニーチェ』、青土社、¥2520. P.ズムトール、鎌田博夫訳、『世界の尺度 中世における空間の表象』、法政大学出版局、¥5880. 叢書・ウニベルシタス。 Naomi Reshotko, Socratic Virtue: Making the…

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Theodore D. George, Tragedies of Spirit: Tracing Finitude in Hegel's Phenomenology, State University of New York Press, $55. Veronique M. Foti, Epochal Discordance: Holderlin's Philosophy of Tragedy, State University of New York Press, $55…

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Modules (1)

今日から M. F. Atiyah・I. G. MacDonald、 新妻弘訳、『可換代数入門』、共立出版、2006 の加群論の勉強会になった。

T. A. Cavanaugh, Double-Effect Reasoning: Doing Good and Avoiding Evil, Oxford University Press, £45. Nancy Potter (ed.), Trauma, Truth and Reconciliation: Healing damaged relationships, Oxford University Press, £26.95. 村上嘉隆、『九鬼周造…

John L. Pollock, Thinking about Acting: Logical Foundations for Rational Decision Making, Oxford University Press, £26.99. Anthony Weston, Creative Problem-Solving in Ethics, Oxford University Press, £9.99. John Lewis Gaddis, The Landscape…

Slayer, God Hates Us All, 2001. Slayer, Chirst Illusion, 2006.

Slayer@新木場Studio Coastに行ってきた。凄かった。ただただ凄かった。

Stephen Makin (ed.), Aristotle: Metaphysics Theta, Oxford University Press, £19.99. Daniel Garber & Steven Nadler (eds.), Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy Volume 3, Oxford University Press, £22. Frank Sibley, John Benson & Betty R…

Slayer, Christ Illusion, 2006.