

後藤浩子、『<フェミニン>の哲学』、青土社、¥2520. 山形邦夫・和田倶幸、『線形代数学入門』、培風館、¥1890. 岡田聡一、『古典群の表現論と組合せ論 上』、培風館、¥3990. 岡田聡一、『古典群の表現論と組合せ論 下』、培風館、¥3990.

Meshuggah, I, 2004. Ashkenazy, Chopin: Ballades, Scherzos, 1964/67.


J.W.ハイジック編、『日本哲学の国際性 海外における受容と展望』、世界思想社、¥2940. 小林道夫、『デカルト入門』、筑摩書房、¥735. ちくま新書。 小泉義之、『病の哲学』、筑摩書房、¥756. ちくま新書。 谷口勇、『クローチェ美学から比較記号論まで …

Meshuggah, Nothing, 2002. Meshuggah, I, 2004. 驚き。すさまじい。 本田雅人、What is Fusion, 2001.


Peter Vranas (logic, ethics, philosophy of science, and metaphysics) @ Iowa State University -> the University of Wisconsin at Madison.Claudine Verheggen (philosophy of language, Wittgenstein) @ the City University of New York -> York Univ…


David Blair, Wittgenstein, Language and Information: "Back to the Rough Ground!", Springer, $85.55. Wolfgang Rautenberg, A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Springer, $45.96.

King Crimson, The Power To Believe, 2003.

N. Cappelorn et al. (eds.), Schleiermacher und Kierkegaard: Subjektivität und Wahrheit. Akten des Schleiermacher-Kierkegaard-Kongresses in Kopenhagen Oktober 2003, de Gruyter, €138. Rex Martin & David Reidy (eds.), Rawls's Law of Peoples: …

Pat Metheny Group, We live here, 1995.

Jules Janssens, Ibn Sina and his Influence on the Arabic and Latin World, Ashgate, $114.95. Robert Stainton (ed.), Contemporary Debates in Cognitive Science, Blackwell, £19.99. Jee Loo Liu (ed.), An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy: From…

The Crown, Deathrace King, 2000. やっぱあまり面白くないな。リズムが安定してない気がする。 John Coltrane, Inner Man, 1962.

Husserls Logik (32)


John Wettersten, How Do Institutions Steer Events?: An Inquiry into the Limits and Possibilities of Rational Thought and Action, Ashgate, $89.95. R.K. Elliott, Paul Crowther (ed.), Aesthetics, Imagination and the Unity of Experience, Ashga…

Miles Davis, Complete Wednesday Miles at Fillmore, 1970.

Gödel in Notices of AMS

Notices of American Mathematical Society vol. 53 no. 4がゲーデルの解説論文特集になっていてなかなか役に立ちそう。

Peter Komjath & Vilmos Totik, Problems and Theorems in Classical Set Theory, Springer, $50.24. Alexander of Aphrodisias, Ian Mueller (trans.), On Aristotle's "Prior Analytics 1.23-31", Princeton University Press, $79.95. Richard Wolin, The…


Paul Noordhof (philosophy of mind, action theory and metaphysics) @ the University of Nottingham -> the University of York.


G.W.ライプニッツ、高田博行・渡辺学編訳、『ライプニッツの国語論 ドイツ語改良への提言』、法政大学出版局、¥2100. Daniel C. Dennett, Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, Viking Adult, $25.95. デネットによる宗教哲学。 Chris…