
Kronos Quartet/Pat Metheney, Steve Reich: Different Trains, Electric Conunterpoint, 1989. Gulda, Beethoven: Klaviersonaten Nr.15, 16, 17, 1968.

A Scrabble on Cantor, Hilbert, and Zermelo (2)

We must take a step back. Cantor claimed that if the forming process is consistent, the formed object exists. So, the problem of consistency is crucial in this argument. Cantor was very sure of existence of objects which his own mathematic…

W.ハイゼンベルク、尾崎辰之助訳、『新装版 現代物理学の自然像』、みすず書房、¥2940. J.プロクター、小笠原博毅訳、『スチュアート・ホール』、青土社、¥2520. J.ザイマン、東辻千枝子訳、『科学の真実』、吉岡書店、¥3990. 科学技術社会学の本。 I…